This past New Years, I talked about allowing yourself to mourn the past so that you can let it go with grace. With the Wolf Moon that just occurred (the First Full Moon of January) we have that chance to continue this work and release, cleanse and move forward from things that no longer serve us with a clear intuition and focus.
Every full moon has it's own energy that it gives off that then is layered upon by it's current astrological positions and events. I am just going to look at the base energy here but take a look at what astrologically is happening for a deeper understanding of what is going on around you.
So.... The Wolf Moon ...
I don't know about ya'll but it seems to me lately like everyone has been dealing with some pesky issue of their past lately. It could be an actual event or just a mental/emotional pattern that they are now looking at and asking "Do you serve me any longer?"
In my previous post I dealt with the first step of really letting go and that is honoring what is no longer serving you. Now we are ready to get down and dirty for the work ahead. The Wolf moon comes in one of the coldest and hardest times of the year in the northern hemisphere. This is the time when food is scarce and life can seem some what bleak in the wilderness but this is also the time when the Wolf is heard howling as a beacon in the night.
She says now is not the time to meander around, picking and choosing what you think you need. That luxury is reserved for warmed times, when the food is plentiful and the earth is awake. No! It is the heart of winter. Now is the time to cast aside all that is not serving you. Now is the time listen to your instinct. Now is the time to ACT so you may survive and thrive!
So sit down and think. Have I actually let go of what no longer serves me? It is all well and good to give honor and mourn parts of yourself, but it does you no good if you continue to cling to something you no longer need.
If you are still clinging.
There are all kinds of ways to help yourself release things:
- One of my favorite ways to release is to write down a word or phrase that represents some thing you wish to let go and then bury it or, if you wish, burn it! It can be very cathartic to physically "give up" that representation of what you want to let go.
- You can work on opening your heart center with different Kriyas or Meditations
- You can cup your hands together and image blowing out, into your hands for a few minutes, the idea or feeling you want to release.
There are just a few ideas to get you started.
After you let go of the past, it is time to begin focusing forward onto the future.
Remember it is the time of the Wolf Moon so as you move forward trust your deep intuition. Deep down in your soul you always know what is the right path for you. So if you are unsure where you should focus you new Wolf energy, try these two exercises:
Sit down with a large selections of magazine with all sorts of images and articles, a pair of scissors, some glue and a piece of card stalk.
Now flip through the magazines and see what images and words stand out at you. DO NOT try to second guess or make the images fit what you think they should be. Just pick images and words that appeal to you. It can be you liked the color or the sentiment of the image or the word/ words just jumped out at you. When you have gathered a small collection take a moment and see what you have and play with arrange it (with out glue) on your paper. You probably notice a theme starts to form. When I did my collage I found that most of my images where of nature and my words happen to all be about shining on your new path/ journey. For me, this collage is reminder of my desire to reconnect with myself and the beauty all around me. What does yours say to you?
Writing Exercises
Sit down with a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and a timer. Now write out 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year and place only three lines under each heading. Like so:
1 month
3 months
Take your timer and set it for 45 minutes and begin to write out your goals for the next year. Remember you can only put three goals under each heading so really think about what you want to put on this sheet. I know when I began my goal sheet last year, there was a project I felt 'I had to be a part of' yet, when I sat to write down my goals for the year that project didn't make the cut. I ended up realizing that I didn't actually want to be a part of the project and had stayed as long as I did only out of a sense of misplaced responsibility.
As you write your goals, word them positively and with a sense of affirmation. Here are some examples:
I will love myself more when I look into the mirror.
I will be working as a contributing writer for Mantra + Yoga.
I will be working on my art more than I ever have and it will fill me with a sense of joy.
When the time goes off put your pencil down. Your list is done! Take a look at where YOU want to head in the coming year and now make it happen. Believe in what you have written!
This is your time to listen to yourself, focus and thrive. Hear the wolf's call and Live your Life.
May the knowledge in your heart guide you to survive and thrive even in the harshest conditions!
Bright Blessings
<3 PSK
I have been focusing on the past a lot this past week, and reflecting and letting go of a lot, and it feels great! I didn't know that the Wolf Moon fostered letting go energy. That's really cool. :)