Hey Guys check out my post I wrote for Kundalini Yoga Boston and their awesome Blog.
It is the first part of my "A beginner's look at Kundalini Yoga"
Enjoy and go check out KYB for more awesome posts!
"Kundalini, Is That A Type Of Pasta?"
I love the looks and questions I get when I tell people I do Kundalini Yoga. Many pretend to know what it is but have a blank look of confusion, while others right out look like I told them a very complicated word problem and then, admitting defeat, ask what I am even talking about.
But how does a beginner/ novice explain to someone what Kundalini Yoga is?
How do you convey something so multifaceted and soul touching?
It is hard and can be very overwhelming, when you feel you barely know any kriyas or mantras and are still trying to figure out how to keep your focus on the tip of your nose with out wanting to fall over. People don’t have the time or patience to listen to a 30 minute description of the concepts of Kundalini.
Well, in this post, I am just going to touch on just two of the elements that makes Kundalini Yoga stand out:
1) The practice is still the same over all these years.
All the teachers pull from the same set of kriyas and I find there is something comforting to know that the kriya you are doing hasn’t been tweaked by anyone. There are 100’s of different kriyas taught by Yogi Bhajan that Kundalini Yoga Teachers use in their classes. That is a lot of kriyas!!! This is what gives the flexibility to choose what aspect of ourselves that the teacher wants to focus the practice on. Not only that but if you would like to practice a kriya at home you can, because the kriyas are all written down. I don’t have to remember an hour-long flow but can look at the exact print out that my teacher saw to remember what I did. And really when you think of it isn’t it amazing to think of how many different people from all over the world have done this exact kriya just like you?
2) Mantra and meditation are a main part of the practice too.
This should get you started and remember you always have a safe space to ask you teachers there thoughts on what makes Kundalini Yoga so special. Kundalini Yoga Boston is amazing for that. Keep up, your practice is more than just a spaghetti!
Share your light, Share your love,
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