Podcast to ease anxiety and open our hearts to change:
(audio by Nirinjan kaur purchase here)
So this weekend my mom looked at me and said:
Lets go on one of our adventures. Somewhere we haven't gone before.
See when my mom says adventure, that means we are looking to go somewhere really new and different. We are really busy people my mom and I, so these adventures are a wonderful way to break out and relax.
The last adventure we went on though, had been almost 6 months ago and we had seen most of the areas around us; so planning this adventure was becoming a bit of a puzzle.
I searched around for "Things to do in Boston" and "Events this Weekend in Massachusetts" but even though I did find out some random and interesting things, nothing seemed right. Where were we going to go? I didn't want to just stay home and cook, work or watch a movie, but as the morning wound on it seemed like I was becoming more and more comfortable with just chucking the whole plan.
You see when I get frustrated I tend to just through my hands up in the air and go
FINE Universe. I don't need to go anywhere special or do anything I'm tired any way.
And then proceed to pout or pretend like I didn't care to begin with.
Luckily I had given my mom a few options the day before and when I arrived back home from a long walk with the pup, she announced: Let's go to "The Butterfly Place". I wasn't sure what to expect as I had resigned myself to just staying at home and watching TV, but off we went following the GPS into the far out reaches of MA. After about 45 min up route 3 to what seemed to be the middle of no where, we arrived!!
The Butterfly Place
We got our tickets and walked through a very informative section about the life cycle of the butterfly and a collection of caterpillars from all different species. It was cool but no where near the level I was about to experience.
We walked through this doubled door section and then Voila! It was a whole different world.
Butterflies of all different shapes, sizes and colors where just flying around in this gorgeous garden.

I was in awe.
These frail creatures who have such a dramatic life cycle where so gorgeous and more importantly seemed so free, even in this confined area.
It got me to thinking about what butterflies represent in life: Change.
In many cultures through out the world, Butterflies represent Growth, Transition, Resurrection, Expansion just to mention a few and some cultures even connect the symbol of a butterfly with our soul. Wow big stuff but when you look at these creatures it makes you stop and think doesn't it?
Change is ever present in our life. I know especially now I am on the verge of massive changes, of growth, in my life and I get really scared. To move forward can be rather scary. We know the now, it is safe and comfortable. The doubts of what if he won't want to stay with me if we move in together, what if I take that job offer and leave what I've know behind, what if my attempts at running my own business or doing what I've always dreamed of fails, what if I can't keep up in school or for me Teacher Training come fall? Lots of what ifs...
But, if a caterpillar didn't go into its chrysalis to become something completely new there would be no beautiful butterflies.
So I realized something walking around on that gorgeous and life filled path today, that sometimes we have to go into our scary chrysalis and change. But, when we come out, oh when we come out a new and glorious butterfly will greet the dawn.
To work on bringing change into your life here is mantra and kriya to look at. Spirit voyage has a good article on change.
Mantra: Ant Na Siftee:
The 24th Pauri of Japji, written by Guru Nanak, the first guru of the Sikhs. "Ant Na Siftee" or "Ant Na Siphatee" is a powerful mantra of change and transformation for you and your whole family.
Ant Na Siftee Kehn na antAnt na karnai dayn na antAnt na vaykhan sunan na antAnt na jaapai kiaa man mantAnt na jaapai keetaa aakaarAnt na jaapai paaraaavaarAnt kaaran kaytay bilalaa-heTaa kay ant na paa-ay jaa-ayAyho ant na jaanai ko-iBahutaa keheeai Bahutaa ho-iVadaa saahib oochaa thaaoOochay oopar oochaa naaoAyvad oochaa hovai ko-iTis Oochay kau jaanai so-iJayvad aap jaanai aap aapNaanak nadaree karamee daat
-Mantra for Family Karma from Spirit VoyageChant or recite these words 11 times (optimally for 40 days), or just leave playing in the environment to shift the energy of a space.
I love music and Gurunam Singh has a cool version you can purchase:
and here is a version of him singing the Ant Na Siftee live.
When facing change it is good to keep your heart open to the positive and growth that is forming around you.
Kriya to open the Heart Center
As always, listen to your body and intuition for what is right for you :)
May you accept and celebrate the change in your life emerging as the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be.
Bright Blessings,
Jenna/ Param Sevak
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