Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Some times you just want a little sweet treat

Well Since I finished the post already once, published it and even shared it with ya'll and then poof it disappeared. No trace of it anywhere... *enter twightlight zone music* here goes take two :<

Hey Guys!
So this week I was really craving something sweet and with all the posts up and about for easter I knew I just had to try something.
When searching the different recipes out there though I notices there was a a bit more sugar than I wanted, but what was I going to do?

Enter Coconut Sugar!!

Now as there is a debate on Coconut sugar  and weither or not you should use it.
 The arguments against it can be seen here
Argument for it's use here
Personally I like using it, but use it sparingly, making my 16oz bag last for over 6 months so far.

So what on earth was I going to make this weekend for that bit of sweet, with out dosing my body with soy, gluten, dairy, large amounts of cane sugar and preservatives ???

And then I saw it: Paleo Peanut Butter Eggs :) My guy of 4 years now adores Reese's Peanut Butter everything and I have been on a mission to find him healthier/ paleo alternatives for what he eats. It can be hard sometimes as he says "hun I love you, but some times I can't trust you when you say something tastes good. You just don't taste things like normal people" but I have a pretty good batting average per say. The times he says "wow this is good for me??? It can't be it taste to good" are climbing up and out weighing the "hun thats just too weird". 
Being a professional mover and living with four other 20 something year old men the things that I find at that house amaze me. Boxes and Boxes of Jack and ramen are just to name a few ;) So I took this as a challenge. I would take one of my old favorites and present him with my first attempt at a paleo sweet treat!. 
I am please to say it has more than passed my Man's test. Even receiving the coveted "Oh my god this tastes better than Reese's!" 
So here it is:
Peanut Butter Chocolate Delights

Peanut Butter Insides
1 Cup no sugar added Creamy Peanut butter
1 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp coconut sugar
2 tbsp coconut flour
Chocolate Coating/ Drizzle
1 Cup Enjoy life Chocolate Chips
2 Tsp Coconut oil
  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the peanut butter, coconut sugar, honey, and coconut flour.
  2. Mix on low until all of the batter is combined. 
  3. Use your hands or scoop out with a spoon, the batter into the shapes you wish. *Eggs, balls or you can make peanut butter cups by first lining your mold with a thin layer of chocolate, freeze it briefly and then place a small center piece of chocolate.
  4. Place the peanut butter shapes on a plate lined with parchment paper.
  5. Place the peanut butter in the freezer for a min or so, to allow for the centers to set
  6. While the centers are setting, melt your chips and coconut oil in a double boiler.
  7. When the chocolate is melted, dip your peanut butter centers in and then place back on your pate and into the freezer. * if you are making the cups gently pour the melted chocolate to completely cover the peanut butter center  
  8. Leave your eggs in the freezer for 15-20 min to allow them to completely freeze. 

If you want a lower sugar treat, instead of completely covering your eggs instead drizzle them.
There you go! I hope you love them as much as my entire family does.
<3 Jenn

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