Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to eat Healthy and Safe this New Years without sacrificing the Yum factor

So in my frantic prep for the last push of the holidays, I was trying to find ways to still eat healthy while not missing out in the Yum Department. So here are a few receipts that are great, easy (if I can do it so can you!!!) and not hard on your budget. *Remember I'm a struggling musician/ artist here the budget is not huge.

There are a few things I keep on hand when able, in my house. 

1) Namaste Perfect Flour Blend and/or their Biscuit Flour - I have tried a lot of Gluten free flours in my time and I have to say hands down. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST! This flour blend is ready to go binding agents (those vile but necessary creatures of all gluten free baking) included. I also find when backing for non Gluten free people the response tends to be 
"There is NO WAY this is gluten free. This is so good."
This year thanks to these Guys, my mother and I perfected our Vegan/ Gluten Free Perogies. Take that you doubters!

2)Veggie Broth
I do a lot of Vegan style cooking and Vegetable Broth is a staple for me.

3)Tomato paste/ tomato sauce 
Because Spaghetti is one of the most flexible poor persons food and is so much better for you than Ramen. 

If I can I try to use coconut spread but for baking this stuff is some of the best I can find. Plus it is Casein and Soy free. I try to keep down my soy in take as much as is possible. 

Okay so lets get to it!
Here are a few of my favorite treats from some of my favorite Bloggers out there. Enjoy!!

By the Diva Dish 
*note as I can't eat Nan I make the Biscuits listed here to go with it. YUM


Great for the Cold Season is the wonderful


Vegan/(Gluten*) Free Pot Pies- by Minimalist Baker
*Note I use the Namaste flour (biscuit style) as well as the Californian Style Veggie mix + frozen green peppers to avoid corn. I also cook it in a simple clear baking dish instead of ramekins


The Best Vegan Biscuits - By the Minimalist Baker

No Bake Organic Coconut Balls- By Siri Bani Kaur 
of Kundalini Yoga Boston
*Note if you can't eat Oats like me try Quinoa Flakes you may have to add a little bit of extra liquid check as you go


And for those of you Really craving something Chocolatey
The Yogi's Ultimate "Chocolate" Cake by By Siri Bani Kaur 
of Kundalini Yoga Boston
"Here is my most recent treat (and, it only took five minutes to make):
16 ounces firm tofu (drain it first)
2 ripe bananas
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup raw cacao
1/4 cup molasses
1/3 cup unsweetened coconut
*maple or agave to taste
*optional: cinnamon, chili powder to taste.
Makes a GREAT mousse or frosting too!
Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend to combine.
Scrape down the sides of the food processor and blend again to make sure everything is incorporated.
Serve immediately or chill for later!"
Hope this gives you all some tasty ideas for this holiday season! Hmmm you know I'm getting really hungry just typing this all up.... I think I shall go have some lentils, a biscuit and some Yogi Chocolate cake!!! To the Kitchen!!!

Bright Blessings

Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year, New You! How to take 2015 and make it great!

We made it!
Most of the winter holidays are behind us now and if you are like me you are looking and thinking about what you want to bring into your new year.
 Now there is a great deal of talk surrounding 'New Years Resolutions' and if you should even set a resolution.

Personally, I think this is a great time to reset yourself and set time aside to envision where you would like to focus you attention and energy in the new year.

Here are just a few ideas for you:
  • You can create a New Year collage and hang it up in your room to inspire you for the New Year.
  • You can set a small goal like: just taking a few more deep breaths a day, giving yourself a bit of extra YOU time or spending a little more time with your family
  • You can also use this time of year to set new larger goals for yourself like: quitting an unhealthy habit, start a new spiritual practice or renewing/ commiting to give a much larger chunk of energy to your current practice (such as committing to a personal Sadahna)
Any way you look at it, this time of years is a great chance to give yourself a do over/clean slate card.

So here are a few ideas from this modern girl to you from my ReSet New Years outlook.


I like to have different layers of things. This allows for some flexibility and for my energy to be moving on different layers.

So, I start small. I made a New Years Collage to hang on my closet/ mirror (I have an interesting set up room to say the least). Now if you really want you can look for a theme or goal you want to express in the images you choose but, I found it much more fulfilling to not start a goal in mind. I instead just started picking images and words that appealed to me. Not judging or trying to classify anything. I let my soul and intuition do the picking and you know what??

A Theme did show itself when I was finished!!

My collage was full of images of nature and beauty and words such as Journey, rebirth and love. Pretty Cool huh? Without trying I created a selection of images and words to inspire me on this new growing spiritual jouney I began this past year. 

This project was the simplest and most fun I think I have done. All I needed were some old magazines (I personally loved the National Geographic, Smithsonian and Seria Magazines my family has laying around), a pair of scissors, some glue and a piece of card stock to glue my collage to. 

Setting Small Goals

Okay. You've created your visual image of what brings you joy for the New Year. Now you want to look at changing things in your life. You may just want to take and bring a small shift into your life instead of trying to take on something larger. And you know what? That is Great! What ever you choose honor it!

For smaller goals maybe you want to set aside some time for you each week or even each day. A time where you can recharge and renew yourself. Why not try taking time and doing just a few minutes of breath work? I spoke in my pervious post about the amazing benefits of just some simple breath exercises. In my recent podcast I gave you all a few more Pranayams to add to your took box. Any or all of the exercises I use in this podcast are great for calming and relaxing. My personal favorite is the Satali Breath. When I'm anxious or frustrated about something (like traffic!!) I just do 3 minutes of this Pranayam and I find I'm back at level headed and calm. 

It doesn't have to be big ya'll. 

Setting Larger Goals:
Okay maybe you have decided you want to make a major change and why not this is a great time to do it. Personally I am working on really committing to a Personal Sadhana Practice and trying to add cold showers into my morning routine at least once a week. Which is not joke mind you me.
*if you are curious about what Sadhana is or why I would add cold showers click on the links for more info 

That is my official goal I am setting for myself, but from this goal so many wonderful things can emerge. Each day is a new day to get up and remind myself that I am committing to myself. I am not looking at it as an every so often activity that I do when I can remember. This is how resolutions can fall apart and by the way side. We let our 
“The greatest reward of doing sadhana is that the person becomes incapable of being defeated. Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what sadhana is. And when you do a sadhana in the sangat, you enrich yourself in multiple ways."
-Yogi Bhajan 
"It seems that on a daily basis, when you do sadhana, nothing happens. But you don’t do it out of greed. You do it to conquer your laziness, your ego, your stupidity, with your essence of commitment. That’s all sadhana is. We don’t do it to get anything."
Aquarian Teacher p. 145 
So you see, but setting a Sadhana or daily spiritual practice for myself I am working everyday on become a better person inside and out. Not too shabby huh?
If you are curious to join me I am currently doing the Nabhi Kriya for Prana Apana. Feel Free to join me! But, make sure to Tune in First and do a few warm ups before you begin the Kriya. You can see videos for these in my previous blog post here.  (I am also working on a video myself for the Whole Soul Modern Girl Youtube channel so stayed tune!!) After a nice shavasana I then move into the Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear Karmas for 22 minutes and then close with the Long time sun and a Sat Nam. If you are able also see if there is a yoga studio near you that offers Kundalini Yoga. It is great to practice with a community. I live in the Boston Area and find that Kundalini Yoga Boston has been a great home away from home for me.

Maybe you want to take on more of a Physical Health Goal ? GREAT! Go you! 

Apply the same principle as I was talking about with sadhana. Make a way to touch base and work with your goal every single day. This helps you remember that each day is a new day and you have another wonderful opportunity to remember your goal and intention.

For all Goals bumps may happen and that is fine: you may take a step back or miss a day, maybe not devote all the time you were hoping to your activity. That is fine just don't give up or through your goal out the window. Take a deep breath and remember tomorrow is a wonderful brand new day and you have already made steps forward and have another chance to continue to develop your amazing journey.

So may you have a wonderful and Bright New Years and here is to an amazing 2015!!!
Bright Blessings
Jenn/ Param Sevak Kaur

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Some Holiday Stress Busters: The "Art" and Yoga Edition

Jingle Bells Jingle Bells 
Presents on their way,
 Why oh why won't the meetings stop
 And when is my next payday? 

Sound Familiar? Or maybe for you there are family requirements, friends you haven't seen in months all wanting to see you by next Tuesday, or even something simple as just too many events you are trying to attend. 

Even the most enjoyable events and people can become an added stressers if you aren't careful this holiday season. Last post we talked about some good breathing exercises to help relieve stress, but this time I wanted to look at a different way to help you keep your sanity and enjoy this holiday season.

It is called Art, Yoga and Expressing yourself!

Have you ever found that if you sit down and let out your feelings on paper you tend to feel better?
I know it can help me, so I gathered together a good holiday Kirya and Meditation to relieve some of the crazy holiday stress and then I invite you to take time after the Kriya and taking a shavasana to take some time and just let yourself create.

There are only two requirements for this activity:

1) Do Not Judge Yourself

2) Do the Best You Can With Where You Are

What you will need for this Stress Busting set:
  • You (rather important don't you think?)
  • A device you can keep track of time with
  • A piece of paper (it doesn't have to be anything fancy)
  • Something to draw with (a pen, some markers, crayons, ect.)

So without further ado lets get to the Holiday Stress Busting!!

So since this is the first time I've offered a full Kundalini Yoga set let me introduce you to how we start:

In Kundalini Yoga we begin a practice with Tuning In. 

We Chant Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. Which means "I bow before my highest consciousness". 

It is a wonderful way to connect to your internal teacher and connects you to the golden chain of teachers who have come before. Take a few deep breaths, bring your hands to your heart center and begin. This is a wonderful video that explains the mantra:

So your tuned in Great! Lets do a few warm ups and then we can start the kriya.

Come into Easy Pose (which is a comfortable cross leg position) bring your hands to your knees and begin Sufi Grinds go at least a full minute each way before coming back to center. Inhale and exhale as you move. Remember you are your breath.

Inhale and bring your hands to your shins and begin spinal flex for another minute or so, inhaling forward and exhaling rounding the spine. Be careful to be gentle to your body in all of these exercises. Inhale to the center and exhale relax.

Now begin gentle neck roll moving with your breath spending at least a min going in each direction.

Here is a video that gives visuals for these warm ups as well as others you can add to your practice :)

Now on to the Kriya:
Please Note:  Follow all the times and not add or take anything out of a kriya when practicing it. If you need to reduce times please make sure to reduce them all equally. Also if you need to modify a pose do so!! Listen to your body and do your best to Keep Up! Even if you have to just visual the exercises, visual it perfectly and you will still receive some benefit!


Well done!
Now lay out on your back and relax. You deserve it and shavasana or corpse pose allows you to intergrate everything your just did. 

Here is a beautiful mantra I have used for ya'll before that I love to play softly during Shavasana:


Slowly come out of shavasana wiggling your toes and fingers, allowing the breath to return to your body and stretching out. When you have gently awakened roll up to a sitting position and grab your drawing impliments. 

Give yourself some time and just let what ever you feel out. Don't judge it or try to explain it. This is for you and only you so let go. I like to listen to mantra while I work on art but you can work in silence or listen to what ever you like.

When you are done set it aside and prepare yourself for meditation. This meditation is made up mostly of breath work so is a great way to build on what we talked about last time.


POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock.

MUDRA: Interlace the fingers with the right thumb on top. Place the hands at the center of the diaphragm line, touch- ing the body.

EYE FOCUS: Eyes are closed.

BREATH: Concentrate on the breath at the tip of your nose. Notice from which nostril you are breathing. Within 3 minutes you should know. Then change it. If you are breathing primarily through your left nostril, consciously change to your right nostril. Be sure to keep your shoulders completely relaxed. Practice changing this breath back and forth for as long as you like.

TIME: You may work up to 31 minutes.

*KRI has a great collection of kriyas and meditations (including these two) call the Crisis Kit

To finish up make sure you sing the long time sun. I like to sing it first for myself then, for someone I love and then for the world around me. It is a beautiful way to end your practice. 

So how do you feel? Better? What is great about this practice is that you can keep doing it and the benefits only grow. 

Much love and light to you all in this holiday season!
Bright Blessings
Param Sevak Kaur (The Whole Soul Modern Girl)