We made it!
Most of the winter holidays are behind us now and if you are like me you are looking and thinking about what you want to bring into your new year.
Now there is a great deal of talk surrounding 'New Years Resolutions' and if you should even set a resolution.
Personally, I think this is a great time to reset yourself and set time aside to envision where you would like to focus you attention and energy in the new year.
Here are just a few ideas for you:
- You can create a New Year collage and hang it up in your room to inspire you for the New Year.
- You can set a small goal like: just taking a few more deep breaths a day, giving yourself a bit of extra YOU time or spending a little more time with your family
- You can also use this time of year to set new larger goals for yourself like: quitting an unhealthy habit, start a new spiritual practice or renewing/ commiting to give a much larger chunk of energy to your current practice (such as committing to a personal Sadahna)
Any way you look at it, this time of years is a great chance to give yourself a do over/clean slate card.
So here are a few ideas from this modern girl to you from my ReSet New Years outlook.
I like to have different layers of things. This allows for some flexibility and for my energy to be moving on different layers.
So, I start small. I made a New Years Collage to hang on my closet/ mirror (I have an interesting set up room to say the least). Now if you really want you can look for a theme or goal you want to express in the images you choose but, I found it much more fulfilling to not start a goal in mind. I instead just started picking images and words that appealed to me. Not judging or trying to classify anything. I let my soul and intuition do the picking and you know what??
A Theme did show itself when I was finished!!
My collage was full of images of nature and beauty and words such as Journey, rebirth and love. Pretty Cool huh? Without trying I created a selection of images and words to inspire me on this new growing spiritual jouney I began this past year.
This project was the simplest and most fun I think I have done. All I needed were some old magazines (I personally loved the National Geographic, Smithsonian and Seria Magazines my family has laying around), a pair of scissors, some glue and a piece of card stock to glue my collage to.
Setting Small Goals
Okay. You've created your visual image of what brings you joy for the New Year. Now you want to look at changing things in your life. You may just want to take and bring a small shift into your life instead of trying to take on something larger. And you know what? That is Great! What ever you choose honor it!
For smaller goals maybe you want to set aside some time for you each week or even each day. A time where you can recharge and renew yourself. Why not try taking time and doing just a few minutes of
breath work? I spoke in my pervious post about the amazing benefits of just some simple breath exercises. In my recent podcast I gave you all a few more Pranayams to add to your took box. Any or all of the exercises I use in this podcast are great for calming and relaxing. My personal favorite is the Satali Breath. When I'm anxious or frustrated about something (like traffic!!) I just do 3 minutes of this
Pranayam and I find I'm back at level headed and calm.
It doesn't have to be big ya'll.
Setting Larger Goals:
Okay maybe you have decided you want to make a major change and why not this is a great time to do it. Personally I am working on really committing to a Personal
Sadhana Practice and trying to add
cold showers into my morning routine at least once a week. Which is not joke mind you me.
*if you are curious about what Sadhana is or why I would add cold showers click on the links for more info
That is my official goal I am setting for myself, but from this goal so many wonderful things can emerge. Each day is a new day to get up and remind myself that I am committing to myself. I am not looking at it as an every so often activity that I do when I can remember. This is how resolutions can fall apart and by the way side. We let our
“The greatest reward of doing sadhana is that the person becomes incapable of being defeated. Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what sadhana is. And when you do a sadhana in the sangat, you enrich yourself in multiple ways."
-Yogi Bhajan
"It seems that on a daily basis, when you do sadhana, nothing happens. But you don’t do it out of greed. You do it to conquer your laziness, your ego, your stupidity, with your essence of commitment. That’s all sadhana is. We don’t do it to get anything."
- Aquarian Teacher p. 145
So you see, but setting a Sadhana or daily spiritual practice for myself I am working everyday on become a better person inside and out. Not too shabby huh?
If you are curious to join me I am currently doing the
Nabhi Kriya for Prana Apana. Feel Free to join me! But, make sure to Tune in First and do a few warm ups before you begin the Kriya. You can see videos for these in my previous blog post
here. (I am also working on a video myself for the Whole Soul Modern Girl Youtube channel so stayed tune!!) After a nice shavasana I then move into the
Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear Karmas for 22 minutes and then close with the Long time sun and a Sat Nam. If you are able also see if there is a yoga studio near you that offers Kundalini Yoga. It is great to practice with a community. I live in the Boston Area and find that
Kundalini Yoga Boston has been a great home away from home for me.
Maybe you want to take on more of a Physical Health Goal ? GREAT! Go you!
Apply the same principle as I was talking about with sadhana. Make a way to touch base and work with your goal every single day. This helps you remember that each day is a new day and you have another wonderful opportunity to remember your goal and intention.
For all Goals bumps may happen and that is fine: you may take a step back or miss a day, maybe not devote all the time you were hoping to your activity. That is fine just don't give up or through your goal out the window. Take a deep breath and remember tomorrow is a wonderful brand new day and you have already made steps forward and have another chance to continue to develop your amazing journey.

So may you have a wonderful and Bright New Years and here is to an amazing 2015!!!
Bright Blessings
Jenn/ Param Sevak Kaur