Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to eat Healthy and Safe this New Years without sacrificing the Yum factor

So in my frantic prep for the last push of the holidays, I was trying to find ways to still eat healthy while not missing out in the Yum Department. So here are a few receipts that are great, easy (if I can do it so can you!!!) and not hard on your budget. *Remember I'm a struggling musician/ artist here the budget is not huge.

There are a few things I keep on hand when able, in my house. 

1) Namaste Perfect Flour Blend and/or their Biscuit Flour - I have tried a lot of Gluten free flours in my time and I have to say hands down. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST! This flour blend is ready to go binding agents (those vile but necessary creatures of all gluten free baking) included. I also find when backing for non Gluten free people the response tends to be 
"There is NO WAY this is gluten free. This is so good."
This year thanks to these Guys, my mother and I perfected our Vegan/ Gluten Free Perogies. Take that you doubters!

2)Veggie Broth
I do a lot of Vegan style cooking and Vegetable Broth is a staple for me.

3)Tomato paste/ tomato sauce 
Because Spaghetti is one of the most flexible poor persons food and is so much better for you than Ramen. 

If I can I try to use coconut spread but for baking this stuff is some of the best I can find. Plus it is Casein and Soy free. I try to keep down my soy in take as much as is possible. 

Okay so lets get to it!
Here are a few of my favorite treats from some of my favorite Bloggers out there. Enjoy!!

By the Diva Dish 
*note as I can't eat Nan I make the Biscuits listed here to go with it. YUM


Great for the Cold Season is the wonderful


Vegan/(Gluten*) Free Pot Pies- by Minimalist Baker
*Note I use the Namaste flour (biscuit style) as well as the Californian Style Veggie mix + frozen green peppers to avoid corn. I also cook it in a simple clear baking dish instead of ramekins


The Best Vegan Biscuits - By the Minimalist Baker

No Bake Organic Coconut Balls- By Siri Bani Kaur 
of Kundalini Yoga Boston
*Note if you can't eat Oats like me try Quinoa Flakes you may have to add a little bit of extra liquid check as you go


And for those of you Really craving something Chocolatey
The Yogi's Ultimate "Chocolate" Cake by By Siri Bani Kaur 
of Kundalini Yoga Boston
"Here is my most recent treat (and, it only took five minutes to make):
16 ounces firm tofu (drain it first)
2 ripe bananas
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup raw cacao
1/4 cup molasses
1/3 cup unsweetened coconut
*maple or agave to taste
*optional: cinnamon, chili powder to taste.
Makes a GREAT mousse or frosting too!
Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend to combine.
Scrape down the sides of the food processor and blend again to make sure everything is incorporated.
Serve immediately or chill for later!"
Hope this gives you all some tasty ideas for this holiday season! Hmmm you know I'm getting really hungry just typing this all up.... I think I shall go have some lentils, a biscuit and some Yogi Chocolate cake!!! To the Kitchen!!!

Bright Blessings

Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year, New You! How to take 2015 and make it great!

We made it!
Most of the winter holidays are behind us now and if you are like me you are looking and thinking about what you want to bring into your new year.
 Now there is a great deal of talk surrounding 'New Years Resolutions' and if you should even set a resolution.

Personally, I think this is a great time to reset yourself and set time aside to envision where you would like to focus you attention and energy in the new year.

Here are just a few ideas for you:
  • You can create a New Year collage and hang it up in your room to inspire you for the New Year.
  • You can set a small goal like: just taking a few more deep breaths a day, giving yourself a bit of extra YOU time or spending a little more time with your family
  • You can also use this time of year to set new larger goals for yourself like: quitting an unhealthy habit, start a new spiritual practice or renewing/ commiting to give a much larger chunk of energy to your current practice (such as committing to a personal Sadahna)
Any way you look at it, this time of years is a great chance to give yourself a do over/clean slate card.

So here are a few ideas from this modern girl to you from my ReSet New Years outlook.


I like to have different layers of things. This allows for some flexibility and for my energy to be moving on different layers.

So, I start small. I made a New Years Collage to hang on my closet/ mirror (I have an interesting set up room to say the least). Now if you really want you can look for a theme or goal you want to express in the images you choose but, I found it much more fulfilling to not start a goal in mind. I instead just started picking images and words that appealed to me. Not judging or trying to classify anything. I let my soul and intuition do the picking and you know what??

A Theme did show itself when I was finished!!

My collage was full of images of nature and beauty and words such as Journey, rebirth and love. Pretty Cool huh? Without trying I created a selection of images and words to inspire me on this new growing spiritual jouney I began this past year. 

This project was the simplest and most fun I think I have done. All I needed were some old magazines (I personally loved the National Geographic, Smithsonian and Seria Magazines my family has laying around), a pair of scissors, some glue and a piece of card stock to glue my collage to. 

Setting Small Goals

Okay. You've created your visual image of what brings you joy for the New Year. Now you want to look at changing things in your life. You may just want to take and bring a small shift into your life instead of trying to take on something larger. And you know what? That is Great! What ever you choose honor it!

For smaller goals maybe you want to set aside some time for you each week or even each day. A time where you can recharge and renew yourself. Why not try taking time and doing just a few minutes of breath work? I spoke in my pervious post about the amazing benefits of just some simple breath exercises. In my recent podcast I gave you all a few more Pranayams to add to your took box. Any or all of the exercises I use in this podcast are great for calming and relaxing. My personal favorite is the Satali Breath. When I'm anxious or frustrated about something (like traffic!!) I just do 3 minutes of this Pranayam and I find I'm back at level headed and calm. 

It doesn't have to be big ya'll. 

Setting Larger Goals:
Okay maybe you have decided you want to make a major change and why not this is a great time to do it. Personally I am working on really committing to a Personal Sadhana Practice and trying to add cold showers into my morning routine at least once a week. Which is not joke mind you me.
*if you are curious about what Sadhana is or why I would add cold showers click on the links for more info 

That is my official goal I am setting for myself, but from this goal so many wonderful things can emerge. Each day is a new day to get up and remind myself that I am committing to myself. I am not looking at it as an every so often activity that I do when I can remember. This is how resolutions can fall apart and by the way side. We let our 
“The greatest reward of doing sadhana is that the person becomes incapable of being defeated. Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what sadhana is. And when you do a sadhana in the sangat, you enrich yourself in multiple ways."
-Yogi Bhajan 
"It seems that on a daily basis, when you do sadhana, nothing happens. But you don’t do it out of greed. You do it to conquer your laziness, your ego, your stupidity, with your essence of commitment. That’s all sadhana is. We don’t do it to get anything."
Aquarian Teacher p. 145 
So you see, but setting a Sadhana or daily spiritual practice for myself I am working everyday on become a better person inside and out. Not too shabby huh?
If you are curious to join me I am currently doing the Nabhi Kriya for Prana Apana. Feel Free to join me! But, make sure to Tune in First and do a few warm ups before you begin the Kriya. You can see videos for these in my previous blog post here.  (I am also working on a video myself for the Whole Soul Modern Girl Youtube channel so stayed tune!!) After a nice shavasana I then move into the Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear Karmas for 22 minutes and then close with the Long time sun and a Sat Nam. If you are able also see if there is a yoga studio near you that offers Kundalini Yoga. It is great to practice with a community. I live in the Boston Area and find that Kundalini Yoga Boston has been a great home away from home for me.

Maybe you want to take on more of a Physical Health Goal ? GREAT! Go you! 

Apply the same principle as I was talking about with sadhana. Make a way to touch base and work with your goal every single day. This helps you remember that each day is a new day and you have another wonderful opportunity to remember your goal and intention.

For all Goals bumps may happen and that is fine: you may take a step back or miss a day, maybe not devote all the time you were hoping to your activity. That is fine just don't give up or through your goal out the window. Take a deep breath and remember tomorrow is a wonderful brand new day and you have already made steps forward and have another chance to continue to develop your amazing journey.

So may you have a wonderful and Bright New Years and here is to an amazing 2015!!!
Bright Blessings
Jenn/ Param Sevak Kaur

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Some Holiday Stress Busters: The "Art" and Yoga Edition

Jingle Bells Jingle Bells 
Presents on their way,
 Why oh why won't the meetings stop
 And when is my next payday? 

Sound Familiar? Or maybe for you there are family requirements, friends you haven't seen in months all wanting to see you by next Tuesday, or even something simple as just too many events you are trying to attend. 

Even the most enjoyable events and people can become an added stressers if you aren't careful this holiday season. Last post we talked about some good breathing exercises to help relieve stress, but this time I wanted to look at a different way to help you keep your sanity and enjoy this holiday season.

It is called Art, Yoga and Expressing yourself!

Have you ever found that if you sit down and let out your feelings on paper you tend to feel better?
I know it can help me, so I gathered together a good holiday Kirya and Meditation to relieve some of the crazy holiday stress and then I invite you to take time after the Kriya and taking a shavasana to take some time and just let yourself create.

There are only two requirements for this activity:

1) Do Not Judge Yourself

2) Do the Best You Can With Where You Are

What you will need for this Stress Busting set:
  • You (rather important don't you think?)
  • A device you can keep track of time with
  • A piece of paper (it doesn't have to be anything fancy)
  • Something to draw with (a pen, some markers, crayons, ect.)

So without further ado lets get to the Holiday Stress Busting!!

So since this is the first time I've offered a full Kundalini Yoga set let me introduce you to how we start:

In Kundalini Yoga we begin a practice with Tuning In. 

We Chant Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. Which means "I bow before my highest consciousness". 

It is a wonderful way to connect to your internal teacher and connects you to the golden chain of teachers who have come before. Take a few deep breaths, bring your hands to your heart center and begin. This is a wonderful video that explains the mantra:

So your tuned in Great! Lets do a few warm ups and then we can start the kriya.

Come into Easy Pose (which is a comfortable cross leg position) bring your hands to your knees and begin Sufi Grinds go at least a full minute each way before coming back to center. Inhale and exhale as you move. Remember you are your breath.

Inhale and bring your hands to your shins and begin spinal flex for another minute or so, inhaling forward and exhaling rounding the spine. Be careful to be gentle to your body in all of these exercises. Inhale to the center and exhale relax.

Now begin gentle neck roll moving with your breath spending at least a min going in each direction.

Here is a video that gives visuals for these warm ups as well as others you can add to your practice :)

Now on to the Kriya:
Please Note:  Follow all the times and not add or take anything out of a kriya when practicing it. If you need to reduce times please make sure to reduce them all equally. Also if you need to modify a pose do so!! Listen to your body and do your best to Keep Up! Even if you have to just visual the exercises, visual it perfectly and you will still receive some benefit!


Well done!
Now lay out on your back and relax. You deserve it and shavasana or corpse pose allows you to intergrate everything your just did. 

Here is a beautiful mantra I have used for ya'll before that I love to play softly during Shavasana:


Slowly come out of shavasana wiggling your toes and fingers, allowing the breath to return to your body and stretching out. When you have gently awakened roll up to a sitting position and grab your drawing impliments. 

Give yourself some time and just let what ever you feel out. Don't judge it or try to explain it. This is for you and only you so let go. I like to listen to mantra while I work on art but you can work in silence or listen to what ever you like.

When you are done set it aside and prepare yourself for meditation. This meditation is made up mostly of breath work so is a great way to build on what we talked about last time.


POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock.

MUDRA: Interlace the fingers with the right thumb on top. Place the hands at the center of the diaphragm line, touch- ing the body.

EYE FOCUS: Eyes are closed.

BREATH: Concentrate on the breath at the tip of your nose. Notice from which nostril you are breathing. Within 3 minutes you should know. Then change it. If you are breathing primarily through your left nostril, consciously change to your right nostril. Be sure to keep your shoulders completely relaxed. Practice changing this breath back and forth for as long as you like.

TIME: You may work up to 31 minutes.

*KRI has a great collection of kriyas and meditations (including these two) call the Crisis Kit

To finish up make sure you sing the long time sun. I like to sing it first for myself then, for someone I love and then for the world around me. It is a beautiful way to end your practice. 

So how do you feel? Better? What is great about this practice is that you can keep doing it and the benefits only grow. 

Much love and light to you all in this holiday season!
Bright Blessings
Param Sevak Kaur (The Whole Soul Modern Girl)   

Sunday, November 30, 2014

How to thrive in this holiday season

Wow! It has been a while since I sat down to write a post for the blog. Where has the time gone?? 

Well I am back ya'll and full of new information and topics to share with all of you thanks to some amazing workshops and training I have been fortunate to be a part of.
So since we just pasted Thanksgiving here in the states and are heading into the Winter Holiday season, I thought I focus the next few posts on how to have a healthy and happy Holidays!!

Part I: Breath it is good for you!

It is that time of year again. Yep, you know it. The air is turning chili, the stores are all playing Christmas music and Santa seems to be everywhere!
 It is time for the winter holidays.

A wonderful time of joy and laughter, but also for many people, a time for a great deal of stress and worry.
Quite often we feel pressured to please everyone around us, trying to buy the most or "best" holiday gifts, cater to whims of family and friends and even fill our already full schedule with even more events and commitments.

So it makes you wonder... in our attempts to create such a joyous holiday season have we lost the real focus of the season? 

Do you find you get lost in the lists, commitments and that one last item to bake?
I know I do.

So lets stop for a minute and take a deep breath.
Thats right. Breath slowly in and then let it out. Now don't you feel better? And that didn't take very long at all did it?

The first things we do as a baby is take a deep breath. So lets check in with ourselves. How are you breathing?? Is it short and gaspy? Are you breathing with your stomach or just in your chest? Do you feel the air filling up your lungs and then completely empty out?

Now: I'm going to let you in on a secret. 

Many people actually don't actually understand how they breath. 

It is understandable though, as we breath automatically, but lets take a moment and get to know ourselves a little better. And understand how our amazing body performs such an important function.

The Basics:

From: "Take a deep breath" MAY 2009 Harvard Mental Health Letter

When you inhale your intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract, the intercostal muscles moving the rib cage up and out and the diaphragm flattening downward, expanding the chest cavity. This expansion creates a negative pressures space which must be equalized. With the decrease of internal air pressure the air from outside your body floods oxygen into to your lungs.  When we exhale the muscles relax and the chest cavity returns to it's normal size. This creates an area of higher pressure inside the body forcing the carbon dioxide to rush out of the body.
For a full scientific breakdown see here.

So now that we understand the basic mechanics of how we breath, lets look at two different breathing exercises to help keep you calm and grounded this holiday season. 

Breathing for Your Health

Some of the many benefits:
  • Relaxes and calms.
  • Regulates the body’s pH (acid-akaline balance), which affects the ability
  • to handle stressful situations.
  • Gives capacity to manage negativity and emotions, supporting clarity, cool headedness, and patience.
  • Activates and clears the nerve channels.
  • Reduces and prevents the build-up of toxins in the lungs by encouraging the clearing of the small air sacs (alveoli).
Long Deep Breathing uses the full capacity of the lungs, by utilizing the three chambers of the lungs:

 Abdominal, or lower
 Chest or middle
Clavicular or upper

Long Deep Breathing starts by filling the abdomen, then expanding the chest, and finally lifting the upper ribs and clavicle. The exhale is the reverse: first the upper deflates, then the middle, and finally the abdomen pulls in and up, as the navel point pulls back toward the spine. First, practice by separating the three parts of the breath. Sit straight on the floor, in a chair, or lie on the back. Initially have the left hand on the belly, right hand on the chest to feel the movement of the diaphragm.

Such a simple breath, but a powerful one. Continue to breath in this fashion for a least three minutes.  
What I love about this breath, is that you can do it anywhere, around anyone with no one really the wiser. 
So when another holiday bill comes in or some one is asking you to do just one more thing. STOP and take that long deep breath. You will be amazed how you will feel more relaxed and able to handle things.

Some of the many benefits:
  • Is both integrating and grounding.
  • Creates a deep sense of well-being and harmony on the physical, mental, 
  • and emotional levels.
  • Can help with headaches, migraines, and other stress-related symptoms
How to do Alternate Nostril Breathing:

The breath is always relaxed, deep and full when doing this exercise. Have the left hand in Gyan Mudra or relaxed on your knee. Use the thumb of the right hand to close the right nostril, and the index finger or ring finger of the right hand to close the left nostril. Close the right nostril and gently and fully inhale through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril. Close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Continue repeating, alternating nostrils after each inhalation for at least three minutes.

There now how do you feel? Better? 
I thought so!

The holidays don't have to be a time full of stress and woe; just stop and remember your breath. It is there for you and doesn't cost a thing. 

Lots of Love and Light to you all. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Change it's everywhere, but are you ready?

Podcast to ease anxiety and open our hearts to change:

(audio by Nirinjan kaur purchase here)

So this weekend my mom looked at me and said:
 Lets go on one of our adventures. Somewhere we haven't gone before.
See when my mom says adventure, that means we are looking to go somewhere really new and different. We are really busy people my mom and I, so these adventures are a wonderful way to break out and relax.  
The last adventure we went on though, had been almost 6 months ago and we had seen most of the areas around us; so planning this adventure was becoming a bit of a puzzle. 
I searched around for "Things to do in Boston" and "Events this Weekend in Massachusetts" but even though I did find out some random and interesting things, nothing seemed right. Where were we going to go? I didn't want to just stay home and cook, work or watch a movie, but as the morning wound on it seemed like I was becoming more and more comfortable with just chucking the whole plan. 
You see when I get frustrated I tend to just through my hands up in the air and go 

FINE Universe.  I don't need to go anywhere special or do anything I'm tired any way. 
And then proceed to pout or pretend like I didn't care to begin with.

Luckily I had given my mom a few options the day before and when I arrived back home from a long walk with the pup, she announced: Let's go to "The Butterfly Place". I wasn't sure what to expect as I had resigned myself to just staying at home and watching TV, but off we went following the GPS into the far out reaches of MA. After about 45 min up route 3 to what seemed to be the middle of no where, we arrived!!

The Butterfly Place

We got our tickets and walked through a very informative section about the life cycle of the butterfly and a collection of caterpillars from all different species. It was cool but no where near the level I was about to experience. 
We walked through this doubled door section and then Voila! It was a whole different world. 
Butterflies of all different shapes, sizes and colors where just flying around in this gorgeous garden. 

I was in awe. 

These frail creatures who have such a dramatic life cycle where so gorgeous and more importantly seemed so free, even in this confined area. 

It got me to thinking about what butterflies represent in life: Change.

In many cultures through out the world, Butterflies represent Growth, Transition, Resurrection, Expansion just to mention a few and some cultures even connect the symbol of a butterfly with our soul. Wow big stuff but when you look at these creatures it makes you stop and think doesn't it?

Change is ever present in our life. I know especially now I am on the verge of massive changes, of growth, in my life and I get really scared. To move forward can be rather scary. We know the now, it is safe and comfortable. The doubts of what if he won't want to stay with me if we move in together, what if I take that job offer and leave what I've know behind, what if my attempts at running my own business or doing what I've always dreamed of fails, what if I can't keep up in school or for me Teacher Training come fall? Lots of what ifs...
But, if a caterpillar didn't go into its chrysalis to become something completely new there would be no beautiful butterflies.

So I realized something walking around on that gorgeous and life filled path today, that sometimes we have to go into our scary chrysalis and change. But, when we come out, oh when we come out a new and glorious butterfly will greet the dawn. 

To work on bringing change into your life here is mantra and kriya to look at. Spirit voyage has a good article on change.

Mantra: Ant Na Siftee:
The 24th Pauri of Japji, written by Guru Nanak, the first guru of the Sikhs.  "Ant Na Siftee" or "Ant Na Siphatee" is a powerful mantra of change and transformation for you and your whole family. 

Ant Na Siftee Kehn na antAnt na karnai dayn na antAnt na vaykhan sunan na antAnt na jaapai kiaa man mantAnt na jaapai keetaa aakaarAnt na jaapai paaraaavaarAnt kaaran kaytay bilalaa-heTaa kay ant na paa-ay jaa-ayAyho ant na jaanai ko-iBahutaa keheeai Bahutaa ho-iVadaa saahib oochaa thaaoOochay oopar oochaa naaoAyvad oochaa hovai ko-iTis Oochay kau jaanai so-iJayvad aap jaanai aap aapNaanak nadaree karamee daat

Chant or recite these words 11 times (optimally for 40 days), or just leave playing in the environment to shift the energy of a space. 
-Mantra for Family Karma from Spirit Voyage

I love music and Gurunam Singh has a cool version you can purchase:

and here is a version of him singing the Ant Na Siftee live.


When facing change it is good to keep your heart open to the positive and growth that is forming around you.

Kriya to open the Heart Center

As always, listen to your body and intuition for what is right for you :)
May you accept and celebrate the change in your life emerging as the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be.
Bright Blessings,
Jenna/ Param Sevak

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

So you say you want to be happy? Here is some advise from a friend:

Everyone wants to be happy.
It's in our soul in our very being! We may have covered it up, walled it away, or masked it with substances, but everyone on this planet wants to be happy. We are beings of light and joy, yet walk down a busy city street, or ride the subway during the morning commute and see how many smiles you get.

SO ....

What do we do? Hmm? We crave this happiness sometimes to the point of harmfully "self-medicating" ourselves. 

These are the questions that have been swimming around in my mind these past few months. I work at a stressful job, have mood swings, have family members who are dealing with some big things, even issues of loved ones, who self medicate quite frequently.
I mean its easy enough to say "Let it Go" and pretend your in the movie frozen or just think positive, but when life keeps coming at you what do you do?????

To be honest I'm just a person trying to figure things out like everyone else out there. But, I figure I should share the actions I've been using these last 3 weeks and if they help you smile then it is all worth it.  I'm not going to call them Tips, because I'm no Guru but just a friend who is trying to share my thoughts so lets call them Ideas instead.

So Idea #1 Color me crazy
Wear light and/ or bright colors, crazy fun shirts, your too cool for school boots. Lavenders, yellow, blues... hell Sparkles even. Ahhh Bling it ya'll, weres my glue gun!!!  *cough*  Ehh. You get the idea...

Color is rather connected to our minds and moods, so it makes sense that changing what you wear can change your mood. Personally I find that if I wear all black (which is a work color for me) I am more prone to being negative, where as if I wear a white shirt I can tend to stay a little more positive.
There is an interesting article here about healing with colors but look around and try it out yourself.
I have a friend who puts on bright yellow and feels great, but for me, too much yellow washes out my skin and makes me feel anxious. I prefer more light blues, greens, purples, white and shimmers.

Idea #2 Keep a log
"The place to be happy is here, the time to be happy is now."
Robert Ingersoll

So I play this game with myself. I have an app called Collect that allows me to take images and save them with little notes everyday!

I then look for things that make me happy. What is my picture/ or pictures going to be today? I'm actively open and looking for the joy and happiness that is happening RIGHT NOW in my life. And as a person who is constantly looking forward and back and loosing sight of what I have bringing me joy daily this has been amazing. My whole mood changes and then my mind starts changing. Try it for just a week. See what happens, what do you have to loose? I bet you will love it and actively look at things that inspire you, make you smile or lift you up. Don't just say okay universe you can bring me happiness now. It's there, it is up to you to open your eyes to see it.

Idea #3: Share and be with others!!
After talking about happiness and such with the owner and a teacher at my studio KYB we created the #40daysmile challenge. We invited our community (local and internet based) to join us in being positive.

Let's face it, you might have shitty days. When your over tired, didn't eat enough, are hormonal (guys you have this too no lie), or just had some not cool things happen.
Were human life gets hard and that is why we have each other.
This community I found has really helped me with feedback, posts and just support. If you wish to join #40daysmile or social media or even find us on facebook. But, you don't need to join our group to have a happiness support system. Talk to your friends and family they are a great tool to use when things get tough. Not to fix anything, per say, just to remind you about your happiness and to share theirs.

Idea #4 Accept where you are and that sometimes negative thoughts sneak in
Everyone is in a different place. Some people seem to just ooze happiness and peace, others struggle every single day to find any ray of sunshine in their lives. It is OK!!!
You are you on your own journey. Embrace it and walk your own path.
This one is the hardest for me, I know. I want to be perfect and the best at everything I try. Even the best at being happy, but that begins to lead to frustration and negativity inside as I start scolding myself for "bad" thoughts and outbursts.
Here is some advice I was given:

  • "Be gentle with yourself and don't worry about being perfectly positive all the time. When you aren't feeling positive, gently work your way back one positive thought at a time until your starting to feel better."
  • "Just watch your mind, listen to your thoughts and see what they are telling you. If you are not afraid of them or do not have aversion, then you can be the nonjudgmental observer. "
  •  "Be thankful for the "bad" stuff. I knew about counting my blessings, but being thankful for what I didn't like/ didn't want to go through/ was resisting??? This was new to me..., but then a true shift happened, and I found myself being truly thankful even for the "bad" stuff."

From the #40daysmilegroup

A meditation from 3ho.org and taught by Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga: Finding Happiness & Peace Within

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on September 26, 1974
Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight, chin in, and chest out. Warm up first by chanting Ong in the long form so that it takes approximately 10 seconds to chant Ong one time. Chant through the conch, with the mouth slightly open and the breath coming only out of the nostrils. Chant in this manner 5 times, and then gradually begin to chant Ong faster so that you are chanting one Ong every 3-5 seconds. Start with 1 minute of rapid Ong and gradually work up to 2 minutes.
“Practice it; it will set your brain, if you do it correctly. If you start to cough, allow it, because it is just your thyroid adjusting to the pressure. The thyroid is responsible for beauty and for keeping you young. Chanting this sound correctly gives power, beauty, and youth.
“There is no word `Om.’ Neither ‘Aum.’ Actually the sound ‘Om’ is the sound of the conch, which can only be created. It cannot be written and it cannot be expressed. It is the sound of Infinity (in formlessness). When this starts working, even the loincloth is lost. It frees the man of all possessions.
“Ong is never chanted through the mouth, it comes through the central nerve channel, the Shushmana, which is the tip of the nose. It brings out from you the breath like fire. Ong is the sound that man found out of the conch where he put in the breath of life. Sound of the conch is only expanded Ong. When a disciple or seeker practices at the center of the nose, his entire brain gets a very specific vibration and then the nectar starts coming.
“Through time man started writing about the chanting of Ong and reading about it, but not practicing it. The result was that he eventually forgot what the sound is and then he became a shopper. He went from one place to another, to another, to another. He went from one person to another person to another person, asking, begging for happiness. He went from one religion to another, from one place to another, from one house to another, just asking for peace. He forgot that what he is asking for is within himself.”
-Yogi Bhajan

This meditation can be found in the manual Praana, Praanee, Praanayam, available at www.SpiritVoyage.com, and www.a-healing.com.
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan


So these are just a few thoughts from my path I am walking. Take it as you will :) See you guys around and Stay happy ;p

May the Blessings that the universe shares, be always in your heart and mind.

Jenna/ Param Sevak Kaur


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

And life has taken over my soul! How to maintain a healthy new lifestyle and 40 day challenge while still finding time for you

And it happened... a week and a half into my 40 day challenge Life took over my soul!

Between starting back at Starbucks, waking up at 4 am 4 days a week and till 10pm on the other two, working at the yoga studio, working my singing job and oh yeah trying to keep some sort of connection with my family and boyfriend, I got lost. The feeling of dread at having to find time to do everything that the world wanted me to and find time for all the meditations and kryias I, set out to do for 40 day was becoming a major stress point. I began trying to cut short or skip elements and then feel guilty about it, turning to massive sugar drinks at work, caffeine and potato chips when I got off. I even got the the point a last week where I did not even want to get up, because that meant that I would have to try and fall at it all again. 

After about 2 weeks of this, I stopped and looked at myself and said:

'Hey what the heck is going on??' 

What happened to the enthusiasm, the joy, the excitement that started you on this journey?? I had lost my joy in doing the yoga and meditating, had reverted back to horrible emotional eating habits I had kicked months ago and was back to heavy use of caffeine to function. I was a hot mess and a unhappy mess.
I needed to stop step back and look at what was going on.

And I realized in my excitement I took on too much and became too hard on myself when I physically over spent myself

I was trying to prove that I was a 'yogi' that I could do it all. But, prove it to who? Didn't I start out doing all of this for me? ....... Oh dear. 
 And oh I was.

So then I got to wondering, why on this green earth would you ever try to do a 40 day challenge then? Hmmm? It only causes stress and struggles right?


“[W]hen we do sadhana, what do we do? We challenge the weakness, the laziness and our self-destruction. We challenge everything which is going to destroy us tomorrow.”
–Yogi Bhajan, 1/21/88
Well now that is pretty powerful wouldn't you say and rather true. The point of a 40 day challenge is not to be the most perfect yogi, do the most meditations, or show off your level of "commitment" to whom ever, where ever. It is to work with yourself and the technology given to make a change in your life. 
So ....... 
What now? Where does that leave me. Well I like to think of the whole situation like this :

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
-Michael Jordan
So I'm resetting and honoring my first attempt and what I have accomplished this far and so should YOU! To make any progress is a great accomplishment and creates a stepping stone for moving father next time. 

I'm working to clean my body and am getting back to Paleo. I feel better and happier when I'm healthy inside and so here are two of the meals I made this week:

 Paleo Jambalya
I based my recipe on the jambalaya by Paleo OMG but I can't help it I'm not a fan of cauliflower rice. So I took that part out and some of my Herb Ground Turkey and chicken Liver topper into it instead. A great source of protein!


Herb Ground Turkey and Chicken Liver Salad

I was trying to find a way to add organ meat into my diet, but was rather scared to just cook it straight up and eat it. So, I cooked it up with ground turkey and added spices as well. Now I added a 1:1 ratio of chicken liver to turkey and I will be honest it does not let the chicken hold together at all, even with the addition of an egg and 1 cup of almond meal to make it more of a meatball.


Blueberry Coconut Chia Seed Pudding
My favorite and easiest item to make for breakfast, dessert or just a snack:

In a blender Combine:
1 cup vanilla-flavored coconut milk
1 cup full fat coconut creme
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2/3 cup chia seeds
1 cup blueberries
1 cup shredded coconut

Place in containers and refrigerate over night. Serve with fruit, nuts or toasted coconut.


Okay so we got our health focus back, but how do you balance health, your personal life, work and a Sadhanas

Well here are my list of start slow ideas:
  • First honor your body!!- Your body knows what it is doing so listen to it. If you are exhausted or really sick listen and honor the place your at. It's okay. That being said this is not an excuse to be lazy, push yourself just don't push yourself over the edge.
  • Be Reasonable about your planning- If you don't have a lot of extra time with work and family responsibilities don't choose a 30 min Kriya and 5 mantras. Especially if this your first 40 day start off small and put yourself fully into what you have chosen. This is better than taking on a huge commitment and only half-assing all of it. 
  •  Leave time for you- Whether that is a relaxing bubble bath or a run around the block, you time is just as important as the "have to do" things in your life. Make sure you aren't giving away your 'you' time.
So now we are ready to reboot and to start again. Working on a 40 day, or just begin a personal Sadhana practice.
Here are some links to Help you out:
This summer KYB is having a online free 40 Day challenge that is a bit lighter than some full 40 day challenges. So keep your eyes open.

Spirit Voyage:
Spirit Voyage  is in the middle of a Restoring your Personal Power 40 Day. But even if you come in late you can start up and follow the video found here.

They also have a collection of past 40 days instructional videos such as:
So Purkh, Bound Lotus, Kirtan Kriya, Burn Inner Anger ,Japji,Radiant Body, Be in Flow With Your Highest Wisdom

So find something that inspires you and challenge yourself. To be a healthier and happier you. I know I am going to try again and this time around honor the wonderful steps I take.

Share your light, Share your love

I'm army brat and an only child from a single parent house hold. I have my Masters of Music in Opera, done internationally published pin up and tattooed alternative clothing modeling, and released my first single internationally under my stage name Jenna Dark. Many people say that I have such a glamorous life and must love it, but to be honest for as positive I tried to be I never felt complete or really happy, struggling with hating my job, myself and huge parts of my life.
I have been gluten free and dairy free for over 6 years now and my health, and those I loved became important to me. I began cooking and making all natural health products and found such joy sharing it with everyone that I began sharing my creations on-line. But I still wasn't happy. I craved a community, a fulfilling sense of purpose and turned to yoga and exploring my spirituality.  Over the years though, I would fall in and out of practice, as I felt something was missing: enter KYB and Kundalini Yoga. 
 Well this was something new!! Different than anything I had done before, I immediately searched for any studio in the Boston Region and found a studio called KYB. The proverbial light bulb almost exploded over my head with excitement.
Fast forward a year and I have been through many changes in my life but Kundalini yoga and my desire to share my love of full body health has not changed. I am discovering my calling, finding joy and a focus to my life that I wondered if I would ever receive. 
And there dear reader is why I write this blog and create my podcast :) 
So that you may find the joy in yourself and all around you like I have
<3 Jenna W./ Param Sevak Kaur
