Thursday, May 15, 2014

Manifesting your Hearts Desire!

Okay well this has been a crazy interesting week of manifesting your dreams and goals. I will be the first to tell you that even though on the outside I seem confendent and so sure of my dreams, I often project doubt, fear being unworthy. There could be many reasons for this. I'm sure I could sit down on the couch with a therapist and talk about my past and how I never felt good enough for this reason of that reason. Be honest though, it is great to learn about yourself, but I already know about myself. I know why I do what I do. Do you? You probably do. Sit for a minute and be honest with yourself. Some of your baggage comes from around you, from lessons you didn't learn and some comes from yourself.
So what do you do?

I always imaging I'm pooh saying..."think, think think" but even though I come up with "great" ideas, I still never seemed to get anywhere. 
It isn't always concerning, I just accepted that this was the way of the world. That I needed to work harder, make more connections, be something different. That is how everyone else made their dreams a reality right? They worked and struggled till things happened and then they worked some more. Some times though it was and still is. After more then 10 years of working, working, working and just never seeming to find my place or do what I wanted to do I got tired. I made myself sick and angry. I did not want to do the one thing that always makes me happy: Sing!
Now as you know I got into Paleo eating because of my health/ body and Kundalini Yoga because of my mind/ soul.

And I have become passionate about them both because they are what has given me the tool to begin to manifest my hearts desire in my life. 

So Step 1:
Nourish your body!!! 
Your body is a temple so treat it that way. If you don't care about your body what does that say to the universe? Hmmmmmmm? I deserve greatness, but not all of me. Not my right foot just my left. Not my body just my mind. 
So look at what you are putting into yourself. My easiest trick for deciding what to eat is simply this: If I can't say it, I DO NOT eat it. There see simple :)
I am working on having a weekly meal plan to recharge myself with some of my favorite foods from around the Paleo world so make sure to join me for my 

40 day: Refresh my soul, Refresh my mind challenge. 
Sign up to receive meal plans and mantras for the next 40 days.

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So Step 2:
Nourish your Soul!!!

So as our physical body is a temple then so is our soul a part of that. 
In our culture there is so much negative around us and towards us that it can seem like we are walking around in a dark cloud. 
One of the first steps to break from this cloud is to ignite your soul and let that light shine out into the darkness. 
In a previous post I go through the meditation "I am Beautiful, I am Bountiful, I am Bliss. I am I am I am." 
If you are new to this manta the second half on my podcast we guide ourselves and remind ourselves that we are Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful. 
You have to love yourself first to be able to light the fire within your soul, because think about it. If you do not love yourself then what does that say to the universe? It is the same as with your body.

So Step 3:
Let go of your fears and Believe It can all happen!

This is where I am. So of you maybe with me on Step 3, some still at step 1, or maybe your are at step 2. Where ever you are it is beautiful and enjoy the journey. It can be hard, I know trust me, but the journey is so beautiful that you will be proud you stuck it out. 

In my last post about working through fear, fear of the unknown, fear of yourself. I shared with you the a meditation to work through fear and build courage. These are meditations I try to do almost everyday!


40 Days: Practice every day for 40 days straight. This will break any negative habits that block you from the expansion possible through the kriya or mantra.
90 Days: Practice every day for 90 days straight. This will establish a new habit in your conscious and subconscious minds based on the effect of the kriya or mantra. It will change you in a very deep way.
120 Days: Practice every day for 120 days straight. This will confirm the new habit of consciousness created by the kriya or mantra. The positive benefits of the kriya get integrated permanently into your psyche.
1000 Days: Practice every day for 1000 days straight. This will allow you to master the new habit of consciousness that the kriya or mantra has promised. No matter what the challenge, you can call on this new habit to serve you.

There is a great article that talks about a 40 day challenges and just practice in general titled "How much is enough?"
So once you do not let your mind and the fear you hold there control you, it is time to believe your hearts desire can happen. 
A wonderful friend and Mentor Siri Bani Kaur of Kundalini Yoga Boston shared with me to manifest your desires. 
What you'll need:
timer, piece of paper, something to write with 
  • Sit down and set a time for an hour. 
  • Then write down 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year.
  • Now three things that you want to happen by these time frames
    • Example) 1 month- I will find a new job or I will build a solid yoga practice
    • Example) 1 year- I will marry the man I love or I will show my work at a gallery
  • They are what ever comes to mind but isn't what you "wish" would happen but what you truly desire to happen. Give it time you have an hour to work
  • Once you are done after the hour put the list away. The universe has gotten the memo.
Try these steps and just see what will happen in your life!

Also don't forget if you want to join me for the 40 day reset to submit your email in the form above so you can be added to the list!!

Share your light, share your Love,

Param Sevak Kaur/ Jenna 

About Jenna/ Param Sevak Kaur
A celiac/ casein free girl for almost 10 years now Jenna has devoted herself to finding healthy and good tasting ways to nourish her body. A dancer for over 10 years, an off and on yogi for more than that and now a baby Kundalini, Jenna shares her journey so that others may also find the beauty in the world around them.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Kunda-what-e: A beginner's explanation and experience of Kundalini Yoga

Hey Guys check out my post I wrote for Kundalini Yoga Boston and their awesome Blog.
It is the first part of my "A beginner's look at Kundalini Yoga"
Enjoy and go check out KYB for more awesome posts! 

"Kundalini, Is That A Type Of Pasta?"

I love the looks and questions I get when I tell people I do Kundalini Yoga.  Many pretend to know what it is  but have a blank look of confusion, while others right out look like I told them a very complicated word problem and then, admitting defeat, ask what I am even talking about.
Or, some ay “Kunda-what-e ?”, but my favorite question of all time has to be, “Wait, is that a pasta?”.   There are valid points here,  Kundalini does sound Italian and, it is not one of the mainstream yoga practices (net yet, that is!) that we have been seeing popularized in America. In most  yoga classes, you will find practitioners practicing in their bright color outfits, rocking out in 90 degree heat under black light toMadonna (which don’t get me wrong I love to do from time to time). In a Kundalini Yoga class, students and teachers often wear white clothing and have their heads covered. There is music (mantra music) and it is also rocking sometimes!
But how does a beginner/ novice explain to someone what Kundalini Yoga is?
How do you convey something so multifaceted and soul touching?
It is hard and can be very overwhelming, when you feel you barely know any kriyas or mantras and are still trying to figure out how to keep your focus on the tip of your nose with out wanting to fall over.  People don’t have the time or patience to listen to a 30 minute description of the concepts of Kundalini.
Well, in this post, I am just going to touch on just two of the elements that makes Kundalini Yoga stand out:
1)   The practice is still the same over all these years.
All the teachers pull from the same set of kriyas and I find there is something comforting to know that the kriya you are doing hasn’t been tweaked by anyone. There are 100’s of different kriyas taught by Yogi Bhajan that Kundalini Yoga Teachers use in their classes.  That is a lot of kriyas!!! This is what gives the flexibility to choose what aspect of ourselves that the teacher wants to focus the practice on. Not only that but if you would like to practice a kriya at home you can, because the kriyas are all written down. I don’t have to remember an hour-long flow but can look at the exact print out that my teacher saw to remember what I did. And really when you think of it isn’t it amazing to think of how many different people from all over the world have done this exact kriya just like you?
2)   Mantra and meditation are a main part of the practice too. 
Everyone has their own reasons they go to yoga, but for me finding focus and peace is a big deal. I love that my body gets a workout during class but so does my mind and soul! For me, Kundalini Yoga is about that deeper connection with yourself and the universe around you. In Kundalini Yoga, mantra is used often during exercises, awakening dormant energy or bringing one into balance.  I mean, you even begin each class with the mantra ‘Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo’ – “I bow to the All-That-Is. I bow to the Divine Wisdom within myself.” When we chant this mantra, we tap into the intuition inside each of us, giving our practice a higher purpose and connecting with all the teachers and wisdom that has come before and that is here for us now.  If that isn’t powerful I don’t know what is!
This should get you started and remember you always have a safe space to ask you teachers there thoughts on what makes Kundalini Yoga so special. Kundalini Yoga Boston is amazing for that. Keep up, your practice is more than just a spaghetti!
Share your light, Share your love,

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mothers Day and the Heart Center

The heart of the mother is the greatest power of Infinity ever given to any finite being."
-Yogi Bhajan 

So wow, officially cold calling from 8-5 can really up your life. Oh I don't think I shared with ya'll that I was temping at a market research firm for the last two weeks. I met some great people though and had some rather amusing conversations, but the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion hung on everything. I was told my project was done though today and I left after lunch with a mixture of joy, sadness and worry. Joy, because it was a gorgeous day out in Boston and no work meant more free time :) Sad, because it was a bit sudden. I was expecting to leave Friday felt rushed to actually say goodbye to all the  wonderful people I met. Worried, because this meant I would not be working till possibly next Wednesday. And you all know me, I tend to worry if given the chance especially when it comes to money. But, I have been working to calm my mind and fears and am proud to say, although the worrisome thoughts are surfacing from time to time, they are not stressing me out. So I am instead breathing deeply, working to take the time to let the universe do as it will and just enjoy myself.

So in honor of mothers day we are going to look at a few things to fill you with the love of the divine Mother:

A Planting Meditation of Rebirth of yourself and hope
All you need for this is a seed. It can be any time of seed.

I walk you through this on my podcast this week so make sure to check it out!! ;)

This mantra goes helps us acknowledge the divine mother, the creative force flowing all and bow with reverence at that amazing force. 

The music used in this weeks mantra is Adi Shakti by Mantra Girl

Buy here

You may wonder why pull from different artist every week and why they are not in traditional mantra style. That is because I found love with Mantra from artists that expressed this timeless practice in their own voice, and want to give you all that opportunity as well.

If you want a more in depth look at the mantra go on over to 3ho. This post goes a little more in detail about the mantra. 
GO here

A Cool, Easy, Organic Gift idea for mom 

"Peppermint Latte" Organic Coffee Sugar Scrub

This scrub doesn't just smell good, but also has health benefits!!

  • Olive Oil/ Coconut Oil: Nourishes your skin
  • Coffee- The caffeine in coffee stimulates the skin, tightening it as well
  • Sugar- Naturally exfoliates
  • Mint – Soothing to the mind

1/2 Cup Ground Coffee
1/2 Cup White Sugar
1/4 Cup your choice of oil (coconut, oil, almond)
1 tbsp peppermint oil (note not essential oil measurements)

1) Mix together the coffee and sugar and add the peppermint oil
2)Then take your melted oil and slowly add it into the coffee/ sugar mix
3) Make sure it is completely mixed together

Note: To make this scrub organic make sure you are using all organic ingredients

It is wicked easy but is great gift!!!!

Have a great mothers day ya'll 

Share your light, Share your love

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fiddlehead fern?!!! The little veggie, you need to know about!

Fiddle Heads are back!!!!!!!

This has been a crazy week, I got back from Cali, started a new temp assignment in boston, became my Yogi intern job at Kundalini Yoga Boston and oh yeah created an music and experience for adults. Pweph I am exhausted so the blog writing got put on the back burner this week. Now being so tired I have been trying to stay up on my health so not to catch the ever "going around" illness of the week. I believe stomach and regular flew are popular choices again here in boston.... UGH! So in wandering through my local market, I was on the prowl for anything that could support my opposition of the evil illnesses. And low and behold what do I see in my wanderings? But Fiddle Head Ferns!!!!!!!


I am so excited that these little green, science fiction looking ferns are back in season again. With there tucked in ferns and rounded head, they look like a cute little alien waiting to uncoil to a ferocious monster... or well that was what I saw. So, you better believe I was turned away when I first saw them. In my head how could these little alien, fern, things even closely taste good. Then after some conjoling from my mother I tried cooking these little ferns  and .... WOW! They are so versatile and good for you that now,these fiddlehead are one of my absolute favorite foods. So you can imagine my joy, when low and behold there are my little alien ferns at a local whole foods :D 
I mean there was actually a little  middle of the floor squeal of excitement as I mad rushed over to the produce bags!


-100g of fiddleheads contain 120% of your daily vitamin A.
-A great source of  poly-phenolic flavonoid compounds. Those are like beta carotenes that let's your body work with vitamin A.

-A 100g of the ferns contain 44% of your daily level of vitamin C.
Just to name a few kick butt benefits to this little veggie!

See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:

Fiddlehead ferns (Matteuccia struthioreris), Fresh, raw,
Nutrition Value per 100 g,
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
34 Kcal
5.54 g
4.55 g
Total Fat
0.40 g
0 mg
4.980 mg
0.210 mg
0.020 mg
Vitamin A
3617 IU
Vitamin C
26.6 mg
1 mg
370 mg
32 mg
0.320 mg
1.31 mg
34 mg
0.510 mg
0.7 mcg
0.83 mg
2040 µg

So let's stop messing around and get to making something easy and to die for with them!!!!!

So I'm a paleo girl who believes rice is okay remember that! Not to mention I miss quesidillas like nothing else and Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow.... So the craving hit and I ran to my trusty Daiya Cheese and voila! This also goes great with my mint ginger lemonade! YUM!

Fiddlehead, mushroom and pancetta quesidilla 

1 bown rice, or paleo wrap
2 Mushrooms, chopped
5 fiddlehead ferns, Chopped
1 handful Of Daiya Pepperjack cheese
2 pieces of Apple Gate's Pancetta, cut in half
salt, pepper and italian seasoning for taste

  1. Heat up your pan and add a tbs of your oil of choice
  2. Add your chopped Fiddle Heads, mushroom and seasoning and let cook till mushrooms are soft, about 2 min 
  3. Remove the veggies and place in a bowl to save dishes
  4. Place your tortilla in the pan and allow it to warm up, 30 sec per side
  5. Sprinkle your cheese evenly on the tortilla, then layer your veggie mix and pancetta slices on one half of your tortilla
  6. Allow the cheese to melt, then fold in half, cut to desired slices
Easy, quick and so good for ya!!!
Have a great Cinco de Mayo and rest of your week stay tuned for this weeks podcast!!!!
<3 jenn